

武太白 武太白英语教学 2017-01-22




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本文选自美国著名语言教育家斯蒂芬·克拉申(Stephen D. Krashen)的著作《第二语言习得的原则与实践(Principles and Practice of SLA)》,探讨的是一个时期以来外语教学中理论与实践的脱节:因为理论未经实战检验(not field tested)和课程、教材调制(modulated by curriculum and materials)就投入实际教学,所以难以取得成功,导致教师认为理论投入实践遭到失败的原因在于他们的运用不当,逐渐对理论敬而远之。能读懂原文的朋友就耐心读一读原文吧,克拉申的文字还是比较流畅浅近的。(分享在最后,请耐心读完


In reality, many researchers are no longer involved in language teaching and language acquisition, and do not interact with teachers. There is also far too little interaction between theoretical and applied research; those who search for the best method are often too little concerned with the underlying theory. What is perhaps most evident is that teachers and materials developers pay little attention to research and theorizing of any sort.

There is good reason for this lack of interaction, especially the failure of researchers and teachers to interact. The reasons for this lack of communication do not stem from any anti-intellectualism on the part of teachers. They stem, rather, from the failure of research to supply relevant input in the past, combined with the insistence on the part of theoreticians that their insights were the only legitimate determinant of teacher behavior and materials construction. In other words, we have, in the past, gone straight from theory to practice, and it simply has not worked.

Some well-known examples of this approach include the direct application of the principles of behaviorist psychology in the classroom, known as the audio-lingual method. Theoreticians insisted that dialogue and pattern drill were "the way" to teach language, and recommended techniques that felt wrong to many teachers and students. A more recent "application of theory" was what may be called the "applied transformational grammar" movement, which featured materials directly based on current work in theoretical syntax and phonology. Applied TG did not significantly advance language teaching, for reasons that will become clear as we proceed. Its only tangible effect, perhaps, was that it needlessly made many teachers feel unprepared because they had not been trained in the latest version of transformational theory. (Lest the reader get the wrong impression, my personal view is that transformational-generative grammar, and the progress it stimulated in formal linguistics, should be recognized as an extremely important contribution, and easily outdid previous theories of linguistic structure. My point here is that it does not necessarily follow that second language methods and materials should be based directly on TG.)

These two theories, then, failed. The first, behaviorist theory, failed to apply successfully to language teaching because it was, simply, not a theory of language acquisition. The second, TG, failed because it was a theory of the product, the adult's competence, and not a theory of how the adult got that competence. It is not a theory of the process of language acquisition.

The "new" theory, which I will present in Chapter II, is a theory of second language acquisition, and attempts to deal with the process of language acquisition, not its product. Despite these virtues, it should only be considered one of several possible sources of information in determining methods and materials for second language teaching.

Compounding the failure of theoreticians to supply relevant theory has been the feeling among practitioners that failure to make the theory "work" has been their fault. They incorrectly concluded that it was their ignorance of theory that caused these theory-based methods to fail. As a result of this, teachers in recent years have appealed mostly to area III, their own ideas and intuitions, in determining what they do in the classroom. What teachers actually do is no longer based on theoretical or applied research. Materials, and many books on methodology, are based primarily on what seems to work in the classroom, and only rarely on a theory (recall earlier books based on audiolingualism or TG), and are usually not field-tested.




当然,由于汉语和以英语为代表的西方外语之间的巨大差异,加上中国英语教学开展得相对较晚,目前中国的外语教学研究和应用总体水平还不能说很高,这有待于一代又一代的专家学者持续努力,薪火相传,力争早日使我们的外语教学跨入世界先进水平。在这个过程中,需要注意的克拉申提到的一个关键词:involved in language acquisition。简单地说,就是一些专职的研究者已经逐步、甚至已经脱离了语言习得过程,从而他们的理论研究不再能够和实践相结合。当然,简单地说他们不再学英语也是有失公允的,他们在学习,但由于分科的原因,外语教学法、二语习得属于语言学的分支,因而他们的语言学习往往就局限于语言学理论内容,这和一般的语言习得实践,特别是基础阶段的语言习得实践是有很大不同的。













